Ros Cordiner




About Ros:

Ros has taught in primary schools for over thirty years, both state and private, several in deprived social areas. She has a range of experience in the classroom managing and leading the work of others in school, particularly in maths, touch typing for dyslexic pupils and as a mentor and appraiser for less experienced members of staff.

She organised a 3 year project with other schools in the European Union through the British Council Comenius funding. This involved continued relevant communication, pupil exchanges to Poland and Spain and financial management. She continues to teach part-time in town and village schools in Norwich and the Norfolk Broads.

Ros has worked on a number of highly successful community projects where she has identified a need in the local area, accessed funding and set up relevant projects utilising the skills of volunteers in the local area to meet needs, most recently developing and supporting ICT skills and tackling isolation in rural areas. She has worked for adult literacy projects run by Brixton Library and the Blackfriars Settlement in London.

She has a CertEd in Primary Education and a BA from the Open University. She continues to study with the Open University of Australia.

In December 2016 Ros recieved a Star of Norfolk Award for her voluntary work in the community.